January 26, 2012

One month old . . .

One month old!

At one month old, Claire . . .

. . . loves to be awake from 3 AM - 6 AM.
. . . smiles a lot, but makes you work for it first!
. . . is 22 1/4 inches long.
. . . is adored by her brothers. She will quiet to their voices and they always need to know where she is and what she's doing.
. . . has grown fond of bath time . . . when her parents actually find time to bathe her.
. . . likes to be held or worn. All. The. Time. Her mom is happy to oblige.
. . . is starting to like her swing.
. . . has darkish hair, the the nurse today commented on how red her hair was.
. . . has a bassinet in mom's office right next to her desk.
. . . still has no birth announcement.
. . . would sleep all afternoon, if her parents let her.
. . . has slacker parents who don't make her do nearly enough tummy time.
. . . weighs 11 pounds even.
. . . has parents who haven't had to cook a single meal since she was born until this week, thanks to friends and family.
. . . sleeps in her crib mostly, to prevent her from being woken from her brothers' barging into Mom and Dad's bedroom at random hours.
. . . has only been to camp 3 or 4 times - way different than it was with her brothers.

More photos from Claire's first month here and here.

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